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Your partner in App development

We build custom apps for SMEs to accelerate business processes and thereby increase customer satisfaction in a cost-effective manner.

With the App Templates from IT Solutions we can realize a customized app for your company or for you as a person in a short time, without extremely high investment costs and without committing you to a SaaS solution with a possible vendor lock-in.

Don't have the manpower or expertise to build the API for the app?
No problem! We can also take care of this for you. We are experts in the field of internet communication between different devices. Whether you want a personal multimedia player app or you as a company want an information app combined with an advertisement block, blog, forum or shop, you have come to the right place because we speak your language and understand, thanks to years of experience, what you as a customer need and what challenges come with it. We guarantee the success of your project.


Custom software development

Are you looking for embedded, desktop, mobile, smartwatch or web-based on unix/linux, Windows and/or Apple, you're at the right place

We are strong in bringing together different programming languages ​​that can communicate with each other and thus optimize automation. It does not matter if you have a new project or an existing project, with our knowledge we can deliver medium-sized projects in a short period of time.

Specialized in api, web, app en server management

A website, app and/or desktop application quickly involves more than just the programming code itself. In many cases, it also needs to be hosted, connected to a database, sent notifications via email or text message, automatic updates of data and much more.

In addition to the development of software (website, webshop, app, desktop), the connection between the servers and the devices is essential for smooth, fast communication. Whether it concerns automatic updates in a database, a trigger to automatically download or upload selected files, sending emails or batches, then you are in good hands with us. Our extensive knowledge in this form of internet communication gives you an advantage over your competitors.


A small selection of our customers


What do customers say

Wat ons vooral opviel, is zijn professionele houding en teamgeest. Bas communiceert op een vriendelijke en toegankelijke manier, wat hem tot een prettige collega maakt.
Ik beveel Bas van harte aan voor toekomstige opdrachten en ben ervan overtuigd dat hij voor elke organisatie een waardevolle toevoeging zal zijn.
I recommend IT Solutions B.V. for both persons as companies, they work fast, ask clear questions and they even give me updates for the app. I truly love this company, thanks guys

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